Karikā L The nine forms of Contentment have been held to
be the following:-Four internal named Nine forms of
ms of ‘Prakrti' (Nature ), (2) Upadāna Acquiescence
(Means), (3) 'Kala', (Time) and (4) 'Bhagya' (Luck ); and five external due to the abstinence from objects. (218) The four 'internal forms of Contentment belong
to those who have understood that the Spirit The four internal is different from Nature, but being illadvised, forms
do not make further attempts to obtain the direct apprehension of that difference.by such means as * Hearing'. 'Contemplating' and the lıke;- these forms are called internal (Adhyātmıka) because they presuppose the difference of Atman (Spirit) and Prakrti (Nature). It being asked—which are these?-the reply is—those "named 'Nature', "Mouns', 'Time' and 'Luck' 1. e., whose names are · Nature and the rest (219) The Contentment called "Nature" consists in
thot feeling of satisfaction which the disciple 1. Ambha
has on being told that 'discriminative wisdom is only a modification of Nature and, as such, would come to everyone in the natural course of events, and there is no need of having recourse to the practice of meditation, &c. So, my child, remain as you are! This Contentment is called ' Ambha'.
(220) The second form of Contentment arises from the Solile following instruction; 'wisdom cannot be
attained in the ordinary course of nature ; because, if it were so, then everybody would attain to wisdom at all times as the course of nature sunctions equally for all individuals ; such wisdom can only be attained through