(206) The five forms of Error are ignorance, egotism, love, hate and clinging, respectively named 'obscurity' (Tamas), delusion' (Moha), 'extreme delusion' (Mahāmoha)
gloom' (Tūmisra) 'blind gloom' (Andhatāmisra). Egotism and the rest partake of the nature of 'Error'; though, as a matter of fact, they are the products of Error. Or. the idea may be that it is only after a certain thing has become the object of Error that Egotism and the rest also, partaking of the nature of Error, come to bear upon that same thing. It is for this reason that the revered Varşaganya has declared that "Ignorance is five-jointed.'
(207) The author next describes the sub-divisions of the five forms of Error:
Karika XLVIII Of Error there are eight forms; as also of Delusion,
. Extreme Delusion is ten-foid ; Gloom is Sixty-two subdivisions of Erroreighteen-fold, and so is also 'Blind Gloom'.
(208) “Of Error"; 2. c., of Ignorance. "there are eight of Ignorance eight forms
Of Darkness .i. e., Ignorance, there are eight forms; Eight of Delusion it consists in the notion of 'Spirit' with
*** regard to (1) Nature, (2) Will, (3) l-principle, (4-8) the Five Rudimentary Elements,--all eight of which are not-Spirit, it is this eight-fold notion that constitutes Darkness' or Ignorance.
(209) The particle 'ca' connects 'eight forms' with Dclusion also. The Deities having attained the eight occult powers, regard themselves as immortal, and their several powers—' animā' and the rest-also to be everlasting; this is the error of Egotism, and since this appertains to the eight Powers it is said to be eight-fold.