(204) Pratyaya' is that by which anything is known i. e., Will; and' pratyayasarga' is the 'sarga' 'evolution' proceeding from the Will i. e..
I. E... II. Disability III. Contentment the volitional or 'Subjective evolution.
IV. Success
"Error" 1. e., ignorance, illusion, is a property of the Will; so is also disability which results from the incapacity of the sense-organs;-" contentment" and "success" also are properties of the Will, as will be described later on.
Of these, the three former,-error." disability and "contentment"-include Virtue and the other six Virtue &c., inclu- dispositions leaving aside Wisdom which Is included in success".
ded in the above
Subdivisions of the above are fifty
(205) These properties are next described severally. "The forms of these are fifty." How so? "By reason of the mutual suppression of the Attributes due to their inequalities." This 'inequality' may consist either in the individual strength of the c.e in comparison with the other two, or of two conjointly with that of the third, or in the individual weakness of the one in comparison with the other two, or of the two conjointly with that of the third. The various grades of this inequality' are assumed in accordance with the requirements of particular cases, and it leads to the suppression of Attributes by one another or by one of them of the other twothus giving rise to the fifty forms of Subjective Evolution.'
The 'fifty forms' are next enumerated:
Karika XLVII
There are five forms of Error; twenty eight of 5 forms of Error. Disability, arising from the imperfection 28 of Disability. of the organs; Contentment has nine forms; and Success eight.
9 of Contentment,
8 of Perfection