(201) “From Dispassion results Mergence into Nature.''
Those who are free from passion, but are I Absorption ignorant of the true nature of the Spirit, into Prakrti from dispassion
om become merged into nature. 'Nature'
here stands for the whole set consisting of Nature, Will, I-principle, the elements, and the sense-organs. Those who worship these as 'Spırıt', become absorbed into these (1.0, those mistaking the senses for the Spirit become absorbed in the senses, and so on ), that is to say, they rest there till, in the course of time, they are born again.
(202) “From attachment which abounas in the Rajasil Transmigia. attribute, results transmigration." The epithet tion from passion-" Rõjasa " implies the painful character of ate attachment
mem transmigration, because ( as has been previously described ) the Rajas attribute is the source of pain.
(203) “Frum power, non-impediment", 1. l., the nonu Non imperdie obstruction of desires. A man with power ment from power can do whatever he likes.
"From the reverse",, e., from absence of Power "the IV Obstruction contrary "ne, the obstruction of one's de. of desires from weakness
sires everywhere
With a view to describe collectively as well as severally the eight dispositions of the Will–Virtue, Vice etc., -In order to show which of these are to be adopted, and which relinquished, by those desiring Isolation-the author first describes them collectively :
Karikā XLVI Such is the volitional' (Subjective ) Evolution
distinguished by Error, Disability, ConThe intellectual creation described tentment and Success. By reason of the
mutual suppression of the Attributes due to their inequalities, the different forms of this Evolution become fifty.