(210) 'Extreme Delusion is ten-fold". By Extreme Delusion is meant the attachment to the Ten of Extreme objects of sense, sound, odour and the rest— which are ten-fold, each of the five being earthly and heavenly; and having these ten for its object, Extreme Delusion is said to be ten fold.
Eighteen of Gloom
(211) Gloom", 1. e, Hatred,
is eighteen-fold." The ten objects of sense, sound, &c are loveable by themselves; the eight occult 'powers-Attenuation &c., however are not lovcable, by themselves, but only as means to the attainment, of the various objects of sense. And the objects of sense, being mutually suppressive, the means to the attainment,-in the shape of Attenuation and the other Powers also become obstructed. So that the eight Powers together with the ten objects of sense become eighteen, and these being the objects of Gloom or Hatred, make it eighteen fold.
Eighteen of Utter Darkness
So is Blind Gloom "- Blind Gloom' stands for Clinging]. The word tatha applies eighteen-fold-ness to Blind Gloom. The deities having attained the eight occult powers-Attenuation and the rest-and enjoying in consequence, the ten objects of sense,-Sound and the restlive in continual dread of these ( powers and objects) being wrested away from them by the Rakṣasas; and this dread constitutes the Clinging' or solicitude which is Blind Gloom'; and this latter having for its objects the aforesaid eighteen thing-the eight powers and the ten objects-s said to be eighteen-fold.
(213) Thus the five forms of Error which is a sort of Fancy, with their sub-divisions becane sixty two.
(214) Having thus described the five forms of Error, the author next describes the twenty-eight forms of Disability.