Objection :-“We grant all this. But why not attribute
migration to the Will itsclf as equipped Objection-Wny not attribute mit with the l-principle and sense organs? There gration to Buddhi is no need for the postulating of the Subtle
Body, for which there is no authority, Answer :
Karikā XLI As a painting stands not without a ground, nor a
shadow without a solid object like the Reply-the Bud- pillar,--so neither does the 'Linga' (Will dhi cannot rast
rale etc) subsisi supportless, without 'Speci.
fis Bodies'. (193) The term 'Linga' here stands for the Will, the I-principle and the Rudimentary Elements, because they are the means of knowing ( lı! ganāt) and these cannot subsist without a substrate.* In support of this the author puts forth a syllogism-During the time intervening between death and re-birth, Will and the rest must have sone sort of evolved body for their receptacle, because they are such Will and the rest as are equipped with thc five Rudimentary Elements; like the Will etc., found in the ordinary physical body. “Without specific bodies" 1. e., without Subtle Bodies. In
support of this assertion, we have the pollowThe existence of the Subtle Body" ing scriptural text (from the Mahābhārata ). corroborated by “Then Yama extracted from Satyavan's
hārata body the thumb-sized body which he had entrapped and under his control." Here the mention of the extracted body as "thumb-sized" implies the fact of its having been the Subtle Body, since it is impossible that the Spirit
* Cf. The Pancikarana-vivarana-Tattvacandrika - where a similar explanation of the word is given.
T. 7
the Mahabharata