could have been so extracted. 'Puruşa' in the above extrast, stands for the Subtle Body, in the sense that it sleeps (lies--s'ete ) in the body (puri ).
Having thus proved the existence of the Subtle Body, the author states the reason and method of its migration .
Karikā XLII Formed for the sake of Spirit's purpose the Subtle
Body acts like a dramatic actor, on Reasons and manner of the account of the connection of 'causes and migration of the effects' and by union with the all-emSubtle Body
bracing power of Nature. (194) “Pormed for the Spirit's purpose", the Subtle Body acts like a dramatic actor, on account of its connection with the causes' in the shape of Virtue, Vice, etc., and 'effects' in the shape of the taking up of different kinds of physical bodies, the latter being the effects of Virtue, etc, That is to say, just as a dramatic actor, playing different parts, acts like Paras'urāma or Yudhışthıra or Vatsarāja, so does the subtle body, occupying various physical bodies, act like a man or a brute or a tree. (195) Question :-"Whence this capacity of the Subtle
Ime Body ?" Answer:-“ By union with the The capacity of the Subtle Body all-embracing Power of Nature." As is is due to the Po- declared in the Purāna:-“All this wonderwer of Nature
ful evolution is the all-embracing Power of Nature."
It has just been said that the Subtle Body acts “on account of connection with causes and effects"; the author next describes the causes and effects :