Answer:-"It migrates" i. e. the Subtle Body goes on deserting and occupying one six-sheathed (physical) body after the other.-"But why?" -Because it is" devoid of experience", that is to say, because the subtle body by itself. without a corresponding physical body of six sheaths to afford the vehicle of experience-would be devoid of experience; that is why it migrates.
Necessity of the physical body, because the subtle body migrates
(191) Objection:-" As a matter of fact, transmigration is due to Virtue and Vice; and these have no connection with the Subtle Body (belonging as they do primarily to the Will, and then, by reflection, to the Spirit): then how can this Subtle Body migrate ?"
Objection: -How can the subtle Body migrate, being without dispositions?
Reply-It has dispositions?
Answer: Because) "it is invested with dispositions. The dispositions' are Virtue and Vice, Wisdom and Ignorance, Passion and Dispassion, Power and Weakness; and it is the Will which is endowed, that is, directly connected with them; and the Subtle Body is connected with the Will; hence the Subtle Body becomes invested with those dispositions: just as a piece of cloth becomes perfumed with the fragrance of the Campaka flowers by coming into contact with them. Thus then, it is because it is invested with dispositions, that the Subtle Body migrates.
[XL 191
(192) Question:-" Why should not the Subtle BodyThe subtle Body like Nature-last even after the Final Dissolution?"
dissolving at each
Answer:-( Because it is) mergent, that is to say, because it dissolves (into Nature). This mergent character of the Subtle Body is inferred from the fact of its being a product; i. e., having a cause it must merge into it.