parents', are perishable, i. e., ending in (dissolving into either fluids or ash or dirt.
The subtle body is described
Karikā XL The nergent' (subtle) body formed primevally, The Body is un- un
in unconfined, lasting, composed of Will confined, perma- and the rest down to Rudimentary ing, invested with
gratih Elements --migrates, is devoid of experi. dispositions ences, and is invested with dispositions. (189) · Formed primevally ;-when the emanations
from Nature began, the first object to evolve Unconfined and therefrom. was the subtle Body, one for
each Spirit. This body is "unconfined" untrammeled; as such, it can enter even a solid piece of stone. It is "lasting"*: since it continues to exist all the time from the first Evolution to the Final Dissolution. This Body is "composed of the Will and the rest, down to the Rudimentary Elements". That is to say, it is an aggregate consisting of the Will, I-principle, the eleven sense-organs and the five Rudimentary Elements; it is also specific, equipped with sense-organs which are 'calm, turbulent and delusive'.
(190) Objection:-“ This Subtle body might be the only Objection:-un. vehicle of experience for the Spirit;--what necessariness of postulating two is need of the Physical Body comprised of bodies, subtle the six 'sheaths' "'? and gross
* The word niyata is differently interpreted by Nārāyana Tirtha (in his Sankhya.Candrika). He takes it in the sense of "restricted" i. e., the Subtle Body is restricted to one particular Spirit; and so there is a distinct subtle body for each Spirit. The interpretation of Gaudapada closely resembles that of the Kaumudī.