(162) "Simultaneous, "-" With regard to perceptible
things "; e. g., when one seos in the dark Instantaneous by means of a flash of lightning, a tiger with regard to visible objects facing him, his perception (by the Eye).
observation (by the Mind). Egoism or selfconsciousness (by the l-principle) and determination (by the Will) are instantaneous and accordingly he runs away from the place at once. (163) “Gradual"'; c. g., in dım-light, a person has at
first only a vague perception of a certain Gradual with re- object; then fixing his Mind intently he gard to visible objects
ble observes that it is a robber with his drawn
bow and arrow levelled at him; then follows the self-consciousness that 'the robber is advancing against me'; and lastly follows the determination to run away from the place.
(164) With regard to inperceptible things, on the other With regard to hand, the (three) internal organs operate invisible objects, without the aid of the external organs-" The the operation of the internal orga-function of the three is preceded by that," ns independent i. e., the instantaneous as well as the gradual 'of the external organs
functions of the three internal organs are preceded by some perception of a visible object; since The functions of Inference, Testimony and Remembranceinternal organs which are the means of cognising imperpreceded by those of the external" ceptible things, -operate only when they ones
have for their background some sort of perception (of perceptible things ). The sense is that in regard to 'perceptible as well as 'imperceptible' things the functioning of the internal organs is always preceded by the perception of some external object.