being undistinguishable' and the rest are absent.--as in the Spirit,--the three Attributes of Sattva etc., are non-existent. Or, we may have the Manifest and the Unmanifest (both together ) as the subject ( minor term ) of the syllogism, and then we shall have the reasoning-"By the existence of the three Attributes"-as a purely negative inference* (Avita ), there being no other case ( besides the minor term ) where there could be an affirmation (of the reason, Middle termexistence of the Attributes). (110) Objection:-“The existence of the properties of
'being undistinguishable and the rest, cannot Question--How, be proved before the object possessing these is Nature proved to exist ?
e properties ( the Unmanifest ) has been prov.
ed to exist. The existence of the Unmanifest itself has nat yet been proved; how then can the existence of the said properties be proved ?". Answer :--The existence of the Unmanifest is established
on the ground of the properties of the effect Reply : From the properties of the being of the same nature as those of the effect being due cause. The sense of the argument is as to those of the cause.
follows : All effects are found to possess
properties similar to those of their respective * The syllogism has been previously explained as-" Whatever has pleasure etc., is undistinguishable, as the perceptible, material substences." -and here we have the affirmation ( Anvaya ) of the reason in the perceptible substances " whose connotation 19 different from that of the subject of the syllogrsm," All things having pleasure etc." Now, what our author proposes is that we might explain the reasoning thus “ All things besides the Spirit (the Manifest and the Unmanifest ) are undistinguishable, since they have the three Attributes, and whatever is not undistinguishable does not have the three Attributes." Thus in the latter syllogism, we have for ths, minor term The Manifest and the Unmanifest which comprehend all cases where reason (the presence of the three Attributes) could be found; for nothing besides the Manifest and the Unmanifest can be said to have the three Attributes.