bute to these latter, the said properties of being 'undistin. guishable,' 'objective,' 'insentient' and 'productive' ( as described under Kârıkā XI above)?" Answer :
Kārikā XIV The properties of being 'undistinguishable and the
rest are proved by the existence of the Two reasons for the above given. three Attributes, and by the non-existence Existence of, of these (the three Attributes) in their Nature proved
absence. And the existence of the Unmanifest (Nature) too is establised on the ground of the properties of the effect being of the same nature as those of the cause. (109) By “aviveki" in the Kārıkā is to be understood
the abstract form .avivekıtva'; just as 'dur' First Proof: From the existence of and ‘eka'-in the Sātra “Doyeka yordvivaca. the three Attri- naikavacane" (Pānını I-IV-22) -stand for butes
dvitva' and 'ekatva' respectively; if it were not so, then the form of the compound would be “duye kesu” (and not “duyeka yoh").* Question.—How do you prove the properties of "undistinguishableness" and the rest ?Answer:-"By the existence of the three Attributes." That is, in the case of manifested entities known to us, it has been found that 'whatever is of the nature of Pleasure, Pain and Delusion, is endowed with the properties of being undistingui. shable and the rest';—this affirmative universal proposition, implied by the text, has not been stated in so many words because it is clearly known,-- It proceeds to state the negative premiss in the next term-' by the non-existence of these in their absence'; that is, where the said properties of
* For if the compound were analysed into 'dur' and `eka', the sum would be three, and would thus require a plural ending, and not the dual, which is explained by making 'dur' and 'eka' stand for .dvitra" and 'ekatva' making only two nouns, and thus having a dual ending.