causes; e. g., the cloth possesses properties of the same nature as those of the yarns; similarly, we find that all products, like the Great Principle and the rest are endowed with Pleasure, Pain and Delusion; from which it follows that this must be due to the presence of Pleasure, Pain and Delusion subsisting in their cause;-t is thus that the existence of this cause, in the shape of the Unmanifest, Primordial Matter ( Nature ) is established.*
(111) Says the enquirer, “the followers of Kaņāda (the
cont Vais'eşikas ) and Gautama ( the Naiyāyıkas ) Why not accept the atomic assert that Manifest is produced out of the theory, which dis- Manifest ; According to them Atoms are cards the necessity of an manifest, and these produce the manifest Unmanifested product, from the binary compound onwards Entity ?
to the Earth, Water and other substances ; and the qualities of the latter, Earth and the rest, are produced in accordance with the similar qualities in the
* And consequently Nature too is proved to have the properties in question, in accordance with the proposition laid down before-"What. ever has pleasure etc., has the said properties etc., also." The reason. ing may be rendered clearer by reducing it to the form of two Aristote. lan syllogisms.-- Properties of the effect ( Intellect) are properties of the cause
(Nature ). Pleasure etc., are properties of the effect ( Intellect)
.. Pleasure, etc., are properties of the cause ( Nature ). And again :
Whatever has pleasure, etc., has indiscreetness, etc. Nature has pleasure, etc., ( as first proved ). .. Nature has indiscreetness, etc.