natures cannot
(106) The enquirer objects: “Instead of co-operating for
a single purpose, the Attributes, being enObjection-The dowed as they are with contradictory proAttributes of contradictory perties, would counteract each other, like
Sunda and Upsunda (two wrestling champiCo-operate
ons ); there can be no possibility of their combining for a single purpose." The author replies
“Their functioning is for a single purpose, Reply-they can, like that of the lamp." We have all like wick and oil, in giving light observed how the wick and the oil-each,
by itself, opposed to the action of fire-cooperate, when in contact with fire, for the single purpose of giving light; similarly, the three humours of the body-wind, bile, and phlegm-though possessed of contradictory properties, co-operate for the single purpose of sustaining the body. Precisely in the same manner, do the three Attributes, though possessed of mutually contradictory properties, co-operate towards a single end ;-' for the single purpose', of the emancipation of the Spnt. This will be further explained in Kârıkā XXXI. (107) Pleasure, Pain and Delusion, being mutual con.
tradictions, lead to the assumption of three Necessity of different causes connate with themselves postulating the three Attri.** respectively, (and it is these causes that we butes as causes have postulated the three Attributes ). These of pleasure, pain and delusionres- three causes also must be multiform, since, pectively by their very nature, they are mutually sup
pressive. As an example (of the multiform character of these various causes of Pleasure, Pain and Delusion ), we have the following: A single girl, young, beautiful, gentle and virtuous, is a source of delight to her husband, - why?-because for him she appears in the form of Pleasure; she pains her co-wives-why?-because for them, she appears in the form of Pain; and lastly the same gırl deludes or