Goodness (Sattva)
(103) The Sattva-attribute, etc.-The Sattva-attribute alone has been held by the teachers of The Properties of Samkhya, to be buoyant and illuminating. Buoyancy-as opposed to sluggishness-is that which enables things to shoot up; it is to this that the up-rising of the flame of fire is due. In some cases, it is conducive to lateral motion also, as in the case of air. Thus, generally, buoyancy may be said to be that which is conducive to the efficient functioning of all instruments (causes); sluggish
Illuminativeness ness, on the other hand, would make the instruments inefficient. The illuminative character of the Sattva-attribute has been already explained (under Karikā XII).
Necessity of the properties of Foulness (Rajas) -activity and excitingness
(104) Sattva and Tamas, being by themselves inert, are unable to produce their effects; the driving force is supplied by Rajas, which excites them and rouses them from their natural inertia, and urges them on to the accomplishment of their respective effects. It is for this reason that Rajas is said to be exciting. This exciting character of Rajas is next accounted for-" (it is also) mobile. This shows that the operation of Rajas is necessary for all activity.
Necessity of the properties of
(105) On account of its mobility, Rajas would keep the triad of Attributes in a continuous whirl of activity, but for its being restrained by the Darkness (Tamas), "sluggish and enveloping" Tamas, which sluggishness and obstructs its activity, which is operative envelopingness in certain cases only. Thus, in order to be distinguished from the active Rajas, Tamas has been said to be the restrainer-" Darkness is sluggish and enveloping." The particle eva' is to be construed-not only with 'Tamas but with 'Sattva' and 'Rajas' also.