Similarly the Rajas attribute helps the other two by its activity (or mobility) through the help of illumination and restraint,and the Tamas attribute helps the other two by its restraint, through the help of illumination and activity. (3) “Mutually productive." That is to say, one can produce (its effects) only when resting on the other two. By production here is meant modification, and this is always of the same character as the parent Attribute. This is the reason why this 'modification is not regarded as 'caused' (produced), what brings it about not being essentially different from itself; nor is it non-eternal, transient,--there being no merging of it into anything essentially different from itself. (4) “Mutually co-operative." That is to say, they are mutual concomitants not existing apart from one another. The particle ca has the cumulative force.
In support of the above, we have the following Smrtı text: “All the attributes are mutual consorts; all omnipresent; Sattva is the consort of Rajas, Rajas of Sattva, both of these again of Tamas, which latter again of both, Sattva and Rajas. The first conjunction or separation of these has never been perceived." (Devi-Bhāgavata, 3. 8).
(102) It has been said that the Attributes "serve the purpose of illumination, activity and restraint." Now it is going to be explained what those Attributes are, and wherefore are they so :
Kārikā XIII The Sattva-attribute is held to be buoyant and illumiThe three stil nating; the Rajas-attribute exciting and butos named and mobile; and the Tamas-attribute sluggish their nature ex- and enveloping. Their functioning is for plained.
a (single) purpose, like that of the Lamp.