nation, action and restraint."--Here, too, the three members of the compound are to be construed in the same order as before. The Rajas-attribute, in accordance with its mobile nature, would always and everywhere be urging the buoyant Sattvaattribute to action, if it were not restrained by the sluggish Tamas-attribute-by which restraint it operates only at intervals; thus the Tamas-attribute becomes a restraining force.
(101) Having thus described their functions, the author
proceeds to describe the method of their The method of
operation-" They are mutually subjugative their operation
and supporting and productive and co-operative." The term 'vrttı' at the end of the compound is to be construed with each member of the compound (thus the compound is to be resolved into the four terms (1) anyonyā. bhibhavavrtta’yaḥ, (2) anyonyās'ra yavrttayaḥ, (3) anyonya - jananavrttayaḥ and (4) anyonyamithunavrttayaḥ].
Now to explain, (1) “ Mutually subjugatile "_The Attributes are so constituted that when one is brought into play for some purpose, it subjugates the other; e. g., the Sattva attrbute attains its calm state only after having subdued the Rajas and Tamas attributes. Similarly the Rajas attribute, in its turn, attains its agitated state after having subdued the Sattva and Tamas attributes; and the Tamas attribute attains its sluggish state only after having subdued the Sattva and Rajas attributes.-(2) “Mutually supporting."
-Though this epithet is not applicable here, in the sense of the container and the contained, yet what is meant by support (Assraya) here is that the operation of one is dependent upon the other. For instance, the Sattva attribute helps the Rajas and Tamas attributes through the help of activity and restraint (which are the functions of the Rajas and Tamas attributes). [Or else, the Sattva attribute by itself, without the help of Rajas, would remain inert, and never be moved to action].