Karikă IV Perception, Inference, and Valid Assertion are accepted as the three kinds of Means of Right Cognition; because these include all forms of Means of Cognition, It is through the Means of Cognition that the objects of Cognition are properly cognised. (23) Means of Cognition are accepted :-here the term
* Means of Cognition' only states the thing Proof defined to be defined; and the explanation of the
term would constitute the definition of *Means of Cognition ;' this explanation being that the Means of Cognition is that through which things are cognised. Thus the said Means comes to be recognised as the Instrument of Right Cognition. This represents a mental condition free from the contact of all that is either doubtful or wrong or unknown; what is brought about by this instrument is Right Cognition in the form of an apprehension by the human agent; and that which leads to such right notion is the Means of Cognition. Thus the 'Means of Cognition' become differentiated from all that leads to wrong notion, viz. doubt, misconception, remembrance, and the like, which (on that account) are not the 'Means of Right Cognition. (24) The author now rejects the different views with
regard to the number of Pramāņas: "Of three The three-fold- kinds; "—that is, of the Means of Right ness of proof
Cognition in general there are three kinds -- neither more nor less. This we shall explain in detail after the particular definitions of the various Means of Right Cognition.
(25) Now, there arises the question—which are the
. .. three kınds of Means of Right Cognition ? Only three kinds The answer is Perception, Inference and of proof
Valid Assertion. The above is an exposition of what are popular forms of Cognition; as a philosophical