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system is expounded for the benefit of the ordinary people, who alone are capable of benefitting by it. The intuition or supernatural forms of Cognitions which appear in the great sages and adepts,-though realities, do not in any way help the ordinary people, and as such are not treated of here.
(26) Objection:-"We grant that the number of Pramāṇas is not less than three; but wherefore should it not be more than three? The different schools do lay down others, such as Analogy (Upamâna) and the rest". Reply-Because these three include all forms of Means of Right Cognition. That is, all forms of Right Cognition are included-i. e. comprehended-under these three, Perception, Inference and Valid Assertion. This is going to be explained later on, as said above.
The inclusion of all other proofs in the above. mentioned
· (27) Question :-"Why should the philosophic system proceed with general and special definitions of the Means of Right Cognition, when it is launched forth with the express purpose of defining the Prameyas, i. e. the objects of Right Cognition ?" Answer-It is by the Means of Right Cognition that objects of Cognition can be rightly cognised. Siddhi means apprehension-Cognition.
Necessity of enquiry into the
different kinds of proof
(28) The explanation of the Karika follows the sense, The order of ex- not the order of words.
(29) Now on the occasion of the definition of the special Means of Cognition, the author of the Kārikā, first of all, defines Perception, since it precedes and is superior to other Means of Cognition, and because these latter, Inference and the rest, are dependent upon it; and lastly, because with regard to it all parties are agreed.
The specific de. finition of the proofs