five subtle Primary Substances together with the eleven senseorgans, and it is also the product of the Great Principle; and so are the five subtle Primary Substances the root of the grosser elements, Ākāśa and the rest, and, at the same time, the product of Egoism.
(20) How many are the products, pure and simple,
and what are they? Answer: The products The Products are sixteen-i. e., sixteen in number; the
five gross substances ( earth etc., ) and the eleven sense-organs,—these are mere products or modifications, not productive; this is what is emphasised by the particle 'tu', which should be taken as coming after 'vikārah' (in the text ). Though the cow, the jar, the trees and the rest are products of the earth, and so are curd and Sprout, of milk and seed respectively, which latter are the products of the cow and the tree, yet these facts do not touch our position; since trees etc., do not differ from earth, in their essence, and it is the productiveness of soinething different in essence, for which the term Root, “ Prakrti" stands; and that the cow, the tree etc., do not differ from each other in their essence, is proved by the fact that they have, in common, the properties of grossness and perceptibility.
(21) That which is neither productwe nor product, is now
described :--the Spirit is neither a product nor The non-product. productive productive. All this will be explained later
(22) In order to prove the above statement, the different
kinds of proof (Means of Right Cognition) Three kinds of have to be described. Nor can there be proofs
a particular definition without a general one. Hence the definition of Means of Right Cognition in general follows: