Brahmasambanana. In Sampradaya, there are two rites generally performrd 12 शरण मन्त्रोपदेश and आत्मनिवेदन. The first gives recognition as a Vaishnava and the second makes one Adhikari in the Seva marga. The first initiation is given by a descendant of Vallabhacharya by repeatation of the formula श्रीकृष्ण. वारणं मम in the ears of the child and then putting the Tulsi Kanthi on his neck. The performance of the second initiation is also performed through a descendant of Vallabhacharya In both the initiations, age is not to be considered. The second rite is Brahmasambandha
Biahmasambandha means the initiation ceremony of Pustimarga. Without this initiation, no one can become the Adhikarin or has right of seva or service of Lord Krishna in Pustimarga. This initiation consists of two parts. One is the formula to be repeated by the initiate before the diety Lord Krishna by holding tulsi leaves in hands and afterwards placing the same at the feet of the diety through Acharya. The other part is the effect of the same, on the devotee, by which he becomes the Adhikarin in the sevamarga of Lord Shri Krishna.
The expression Brahmasambandha means re