In the commencement there existed only Paramatman. He created the world for his play Consequently in order to create the world he desired and himself became many. Accordingly millions of atoms flowed out of its body which consisted of Sat, Chit and Ananda, like sparks from fire. The atoms that flowed from sat or existence became matter, those that flowed from Chit became Jiva and those that flowed from Anand became Antaryamins.
As all these atoms have emanated from the original Parabrahma they can not be unreal. The world therefore is neither illusory nor false
The Jiva or the Living beeing.
Jiva is the Ansha or the fragment of Parabrhman. As the sparks of the fire are not Seperate from their original the fire, the Jiva also is not different or seperate from Brahman.
Two powers of Parabrahman.
There are two great powers of Parabrahman viz Avirbhava or evolution and Tirobhaya or involution The world comes in to existence when the power Avirbhava of Parabrahman works and when Tirobhava power becomes active there remains God only.