altogether a new thing to the pandits and it's natural that they denied its superiority over mayavada. Vallabh was not a man to become quiet and though obstructed in many ways he began fearlessly to place his conclusions in the form of Brahmavada before the learned society when ever he founds the opportunity to do so.
After a complete and careful study in the Bhashyas Vallabh took to his mind to preach this Brahmavada first among the learned men of Benares. At that time Benares was the chief seat of learning and had become the citedal of the Shankaras. So, he began to preach his Brahmavada here. But when his teaching was meanfully obstructed and even his life was threatened, he better thought it wise to leave kashi for a time being.
Accordingly he left Kashi and stayed at Laxman Balaji in South. The chief object of coming to Laxman Balaji was to study the Bhakti shastras more closely as it was very difficult to get the literature pertaining to Bhakti Shastra elsewhere. There he devoted his time in examining the library of the temple, and studied more closely Bhakti Shastra and all Schools of Astika and Nastika thinkers He also made himself more acquainted with Vaishnava and Shaiva Agams