at the age of Eleven only. It is said that even during his school life he used to show to his class fellows the weak points of other philosophic system
At that time Shri Shankaracharya's mayavad was in its full progress and had become the main object of talk in the learned circle. At this juncture when he was merely a boy Vallabh pushed himself forward in the learned circle and dared to show the defects of maya vada of Shri Shankaracharya and discussed with his learned friends if they pleaded for mayavada This habit of debate created in his mind an idea to supply a true and thorough knowledge about Brahman which was so mis understood by the learned Pandits
Accordingly he studied very minutely all the Bhashyas of different Acharyas and came to the conclusion that not only Shri Shankaracharya but even Madhvacharya and Ramanujacharya have done injustice to the author of Brahmasutras. Ho came to know that no one up to that time understood the author of the Brahmasutras He then propounded his Brahmavada in the learned society of Benares and showed that the only doctrine consistent with the Vedas, Upanishads and Geeta was the Brahmavada only. This Brahmavada was