any appreciable extent, the convenience of those who may have used this work.
An introduction of Pushtimarga for nonHindi readers is also attached herewith.
The author can not conclude this preface without acknowledging his hearty thanks to his friend mr J. R. shroff B. A. for kindly going through this preface and introouction, while a press-copy. He also acknowledges, with due respects, his hearty indebtedness to the Vidya samity of vellanateeya mahasabha for the trouble of examining the press copy. The help, from the works of the previous workers in this field, is taken with thanks
The author shall be very grateful for any correction and suggestion that may be sent by his indulgent and honourable readers and critics, and will try to profit by them when the book reaches its second edition
Bara mandir, ombay (India) Annakoototsava 1984 V. S.