The latest seperation was so much distressing that for many a days he did not touch the work. But consequently when the senses returned to their places, he summoned his courage once more, though the adverse circumstances had done much to damp the author's spirit.
Consequently the press copy was prepared and was given to the manager of Nawakal press Just then the chhappan bhog mahamahotsava of shri Dwarkadheesha of Bet Dwarka was performed and the author had to go there. It was arrenged by the manager to send the proofs to the author at Dwarka But being there for so many days not a single page of the proofs was received. When the author returned to Bombay, he found the press copy lying idle in the desk of the manager ! After considerable repentance the copy was taken away back and was given in the news printing press of Gujaratı from where the book is being printed.
The aim in the preparation of this work has all along been to express accurately in (simple language the various senses of all the departments of Pushtimarga. Care has been taken not to overload the readers with superfl. ous subject. This is sufficient to enhance the usefulness of the work without sacrificing to