The most important principle taught by the Lord is contained in the following sutra.statetaranaat gaci lementati-aleriga, muhtasara
Jivājīvāsrava bandha samyara nirjarë mokshäh tatvam.-Chapter 1 Sutra 4 Tatyartha sutra.
Meaning :--The truth lies in understanding how the non-living element enters into the living element, remains there, how the entrance is to be checked, how the non-living matter is to be purged and how the soul (living element) is to be made completely free,
This sūtra, if explained and understood in all its perspectives is capable of affording all solutions which would explain the relation between man and man, man and universe and the living and the non-living. To understand and to believe in the inter-dependence and nature of the living and non-living, as explained by the Syādräda method of Lord Mahāvia is called "right faith' (Saroyak-darshana FATOUETS) according to Jainism, and to acquire correct knowledge based on right faith, and action or conduct according to that knowledge are respectively called "right knowledge and right conduct' (Fath and
ity Samyakajiyana and Samyaka charitrya). These three together lead one to Irbccation and save one from the sosrow of this sansāca. But the disciples, who were in close contact with the Lord, being the studeats for soul-emancipation only, these principles were construed in the light of renunciation only and were not used for the interpretation of the various knotty problems of actual life. Hence the present Jaina sages appear to be altogether aloof and hostile to social interests. In this way the best and the most eathusiastic brains of the society bave fallen out of the society and have become of very little use for its guidance and for amelioration of its condim tions.
The principles of Lord Mahavira as gathered from the effects of this teaching show that man was made the pivot round which the whole of H18 teaching was moring. The idea, which is governing the minds of other religionist that there is an unknown force or entity by whose favour or displeasure the whole universe is ruled, was unknown in His teaching. In addition to the school of ascetism there must have been started other schools whuch were intended to ensure the social upkeep solidarity and harmony but as do attempts were made to reduce the teachings with regard to these other schools we do not know anything about them in bool-form.
On attaining proper or right knowledge ( 745 ) ( Samyakjörâna) after completely mastering right farti and on right translation of the same into conduct concerning self and the society, the mind becomes full and endorsed with qualities creating perfection in it and then the mind refrains or young away from thic tendency of causing injury to another and this is called the