भ० महावीर स्मृति-अंधी
attributed to imperfect understanding or sectarian bigotry of their disciples. All the abore aspects bare to be considered before forming an idea about the mission of Lord Mlabāsira. This shorts that His teachings embraced all the activities of the life of the country temporal and spiritual. He infused into the society & per driving force, the result of which was that the whole country rose up, awakened 25 one man, possessed with all qualities necessary for making himself and others happy in all talks of life and beyond Lord Mahavira and Buddha were the bearers of light which dispelled the darkness in India and elsewhere. It is a most unfortugate matter that His close disciples did not think it rise to reduce His teachings rerbatim in His life time as Bostel had dose in the case of Doctor Johason. The idea of reducing the teaching of the Lord to writing arose some generations after the final beatitude of the Lord, and those who set upon the writing of the teaching were ascetics whose goal was to secure emancipation of the soul. The other aspects of His tcaching were lost sight of Hence the trageds
Carc-carriags of Ellor and other places hare appeared in post-Asahārira time as a result of His teaching What should be the social, physical, mental and spintual-acrelopment of man and in what was man should look upon himself and other creation, apptar clear from the figures carved out in those carrings There the man appears as the best developed model figure becoming with strcogth, bumilts, grandear and serenity, haring all about him abundance of material property. This, the carvings say, was the teaching of Lord Mfahāríra This may be described as an all embracing blissfulness, vigour and pients. The author of Suprabhāt-Stotra (FWHITE ) describes Lord Jabāsira as Srādsadasūktimanidarpana Vardhamana (FUESE TO EVVETAINI) He was like a polished mirror explaining Syādrāda or the theory of allsidedaess, and unless the theory of Syādırāda of Lord \labārira is understood in the above light it cannot be properly understood at all. Repupciation in plents' or 'renunciation and fellowfeeling with an ability to create an atmos. phere of plents' as the essence of the teaching of the Lord. He directed the society which was rolling in hatred, riolence and in self-filling activities tomards non-yolcoce, agricultural commercial pursuits, sculptural and literary arts and foreign religious and temporal activities with which the spiritual emancipation as beautifully combined.
It is said by many that Lord Waharira was the greatest spokesman of the doctrine of Abincī. This is true no doubt but what He primarly taught was box or related to man, the sub-lumio, and the non-liring world and lor he should behanc in order to catricate himself from the bondage of the rootoul, rithout causing any harm to the worldly things about him. There mere sertral o:fer thinkers in those days, who were trying to mould the society with an ire FUCCE!!. But rore of them appeared to harc possessed sof fomul: olish mould:ole all problems of life and matter, maintaining complete considere all 0167.