भ० महावीर स्मृति मंध।
you of Ahimssä or non-violence, which is the first of the five yor's according to Jainism The remaining four rows namely the vow of truth, the Tot of noa-stealing, the row of celibacy and the role of non-attachment to material things similarly arise and carry great weight in Jaina thought. Mere refraining from causing harm to another does not by itself, besto any merit on the individual and this is made evident by the Shastras which say Pramādāt: prầnavyaparopanam himsā (HTETITE Mutan, ) Violence is that which 18 caused by pramāda i e. under the influence of passion or negligence.'
This wauld indicate what was originally conceived by the term Ahimsãos, non-violence.
By application of the new method shost above we have been able to form some idea of the activities set in motion by the Lord for the readjustment and development of the society of His time: We have now to see what might have been the sources from which He might have collected the information necessary for the purpose of His activities, We think that the conditions of the province of Ayodhya at the time when Lord Rishabhadeva inaugurated His reforms in that province were similar to the conditions obtaining just before Lord Mahavira started His mission. Acharya Jinaseda says in kis Mahāpurāna as to what was thought by Lord Rishabhadeva at that time :
पूर्वापराविदेहेषु या स्थिति: समवस्थिता।
साय प्रवर्तनीयान्न ततो जीवन्त्यमूः प्रजाः .. • Pursāpara Videbesbu ya sthith samavasthitā
Sädya plavartnīyātra tato jivantyamūh prajāb Meaning :-The condition or civilization which was existing in East and West Videh countries must be brought into existence in this country. Then alone will these people live. Having thus Lord Rishabhadeva introduced into the country of Ayodhya at the cultural reforms which there, existing in Videha-ksketra. Similar iaference can be drawn as regarde Lord Mahavirà also.
It is wellknown that long before the time of Lord Malāvisa the Phoenicians of the west were great experts in merchantile activities and were carrying on a big caravan traffic from Egypt to the Indian border, where too they had a seat of their culture in Mabenjo Daro and Harappa. The Egyptians and NIesapotemians were fargous for their sculptural arts from very ancient titães. The science of astrology had attained a very high stage of perfection m Mesupotemian provinces Circumstances Tere bappening in Persia and in the neighbouring countries to her west wbich culminated in esabltsbricat of. empires there , China had secured fame as a great industrial country. These circunstances must hare beco, sufficient for the-quick,