However, the Equilibriunt of a higher state of life must not be seriously disturbed by too great an influx of a lower order of life into it, so Law declared that animal life could enter human life as to 5% of total buman life.
These 5% newly acquired human forms acted in the only manner they knew, Damely-as animals-this caused a furore among the human 95% who had partly forgotten their owa earlier animal life, therefore Discipline which had become lax had to be tightened up and rigorously enforced.
And 80 a Rythm was established, as tha 5% became absorbed so another 5% came in from the animal kingdon and this proportion continued to be well within the capability of the 95% to absorb without serious back to the animal kingdom retrogression , some could not hold their higher estates as human bemgs and had to be demoted - their Own Soul however, was the Judge in such matters, as indeed it 15–10 all matters.
In the course of time a serious miscalculation took place in the higher ranks of the Human family, in their zeal to W10-Competition which is a form of, and a prolific cause of Warfare, fed to their warrior retainers food in the form of Animal Fleshi
This caused the warriors to become more Ferocious and deadly 10 com. bat, lust grew upon lust, until other human beings felt the necessity for this kind of food, often from a slavish regard to the example of their-so-calledbetters, also to be better able-80 they thought to withstand the shock tactics of the Flesh Eaters.
Quickly the desire spread to all and aundry, for this new food, and animals of certain kinds were bread and domesticated to supply this demand ; an infinity of animal forms were hastened into existence and as an Industry developed to satisfy this perverted appetite, so the Soul of each meat eater lost some of its lustre, burried beneath impurity-and Karma
The Laws of Karma determine the length of time in which the Soul resides in any form of'life, whether it be Mineral, Vegetable, Animal or Human, and while in any of these forms, the Soul has the duty of working out its Karma, at the same time it has at the opportunity, through suffering usually, of contacting Higher States of Existence and can prepare to enter them when ito Karma permits, then it has the Right to enter a higher Form.
The Human being, having decided to eat the flesh of Animals not only incurs fearful Karma by entering the Road marked Retrogression, but, by Hastening animal life into existence and then absorbing it into his own body so that it becomes hits own very tissue thoroughly Domesticated-prepares & Rod for his own Back 1