म० महावीर स्मृति ग्रंथ |
Seeing myself as I actually am, full of inconsistency, pride and positive character, undeveloped and weak in my approach towards Mastership, nevertheless I found my point of contact, (we all have points of contact) lay in my overwhelming passion for serving all forms of life, including human life, and my utter, even ruthless, determination to so serve, brought me into touch with the vibrations Lord MAHAVIRA left, in the Unconscious Mind" of this World
My Personality Conscious Mind then opened more fully and this picture
came into it
Human beings on this earth, having won their human form through great suffering, via the animal kingdom, consolidated their victory by the process of trial and error
They found it necessary to subordinate much of their animal nature, and by virtue of their newly acquired Faculty of Reason they saw the necessity of bringing into being forms of Protection within which they all could develop their own peculiar traits and characteristics.
Taboos, which later became Earth Laws enabled them to progress in Spiral Form so that eventually those highest on the Spiral became the Rulers, those lower became the Professional class and the lowest of all became the Working class
Ascent or Descent was within the province of all, and some few succeeded in having their feet at the bottom and their heads at the top of the Spiral; these few, according to Height and Depth, became the Teacher, TIRTHAMKARAS, MASTERS, SAVIOURS and SAINTS. After drawing both extremes together, so that Height and Depth and all between became a simultaneous experience, utterly controlled, these few 24 of them, withdrew entirely from the physical world-but-they left the shadow, or example, behind them of their victory
While to them their Example is but a shadow, to us, it is, in our comparative state of darkness, a Light of such power and grandeur, it remains a Beacon, ever beckoning us onward and upward to the Path-already trod, it clearly shows us the Way, the Truth and the Light
Even so-it 18 we, each one of us, who must tread the Path-and no one else can tread it for us
At certam periods, the call came from the Animal kingdom, a number of infants had grown up and were ready to become human beings, having developed to this stage, they had earned the Right.