an endless variety of dishes spill be made and even drinks to satisfy even theGourruand.
Our present system of living, particularly our eating habits, are quite wrong, it has brought us little happiness and still less security.
Over 80% of children born are normal at birth but only 20% of them are normal at the age of 21, this starting fact is all the more remarkable when we realise that from birth to age 21 ss the healthiest period of our life.
Other forras of life - except the human live eight times its period of growth, the human lives roughly twice its period of growth - Why? I suggest it is because his food is tyrongly selected, wrongly combined and wrongly balanced.
Evca good food frien over-cooked, processed and commercially prepared 10 colourful packages is bad, and saps health. As for White Sugar, I
Aow of fesy less healthful foods, calcium has not only been taken from it, but it robs the blood of its calcium, it rots teeth and bone. White bread has been robbed of its nutritive qualities and its real nourishment 18 given to
the pigs.
Spices and condiments irritate the intestine and exaggerate the appetite. Potatoes whose first of skin contains its minerals and whose eyes contain the vitamins, are peeled and the peel thrown away - leaving only starch to clog up the tubes of the body and form mucous.
In order to get the minute quantities of nourishment left in these denatured foods, we opereat of them, so starches and sugars, if digested, make UB F#, if not digested they make us all.
As for flesh Eating, we must realise that meat contains 10% fat and 20% protein, the other 70% is impure water which is laden with the Refuse and Urea of the animal's body. The fat and protein from vegetable formas of life are vastly superior to that found in meat and the water in vegetable forms
is Pure.
Now, I will conclude with the story of a personal experience, it happened on the 21st of April, 1948. I have no idea-at present-how to prove this statement to others; but I myself know, it is true.
I was meditating on the Example of Lord MAHÄVIRA'S life on Earth; be is one of the 24 Elders that sit before the Throne, the fans of India are more familiar with Him as a TIRTHAMKARA, one of 24 such, who, haying conquered the World in themsclyes, now, having reached Omniscience, are in the abode of NIRVANA, which means Complete Awareness,