भ० महावीर-स्मृति प्रथा
The teeth in a human being show, a fer for biting and cutting, and the rest for chering and masticating-this is a herbivorous trait.
When a Frugirota, i. e, an anthropord ape, is taken into captivity and fed on a flesh dict, it will die of consumption in a year of so.
When human beings eat the food their bodies are fitted to receive, Damely, the one sepse forms of life, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Grains, and escher the animal forms thich are fire sepse forms, their feet will be on the Right Path leading to the Kingdom of Hearen skich lies sittin, where all other things are added unto us.
Let us nor examine the one sense forms of life and see why they contribute to our physical body health.
The healing value of fruits, vegetable, outs and greios lie in the Acids and Nourishing Salts they contain, which makes them effective against Decome portion, as well as at the same time strengthening the whole system
In this short writing I cannot go deeply into the variety of right foods but still mention, briefly, one of them, the Soya Bean
The Soya Bean is used in parts of the East by mulions of people, it more than takes the place of meat and fish for its food value is real and it exceeds the nutriment found in eggs and cheese, or in any grain food, further it is casily digested,
Soya Bean contains a high percentage of LECITHIN, which is a fatty substance rich in PHOSPHORUS, on which perses and brain: feed. The milks from this bean is sastls superior to con's milk, and cheese made from the milk is simply delicious, and qurishing ben human beings recoil from the degrading habit of meat eating and the drinking of cor's milk, Sofa Bean Mill vill come into its OTR.
Con's Julk promotes intestinal putrefaction - Soya Bean Wilk does not Bread made from this bean does not bare an acid reaction, further, its flavour is more delicious than tbeat bread.
Perhaps the greatest ralue from Sora Bean Mill is, it formas a better culture for the BACILLUS ACIDOPHILIŚ than con's milk, and this counteracts all putrefactice 13 pes of bacena in the Color.
A Sora B:20 Omlet is more palatable than an egg one and its procin is as high as 34. Tice 25 much as is found in Flesh Food Even the vegetarian will find added delight with his Salads when Soja Bean Sprouts are added to it. This" Fifth Sacred Grain" of Ancient China is destined to be the principal Luman food of the future All couetrics sill grow this bean themselres and thus support chemickies id matters of foodstuffs to a large extent. From it