I regard animals as my younger brethren and protect them as far as possible; obviously therefore I oppose the Medical Vivisection idea, as not only without practical value, but because the cruelties perpetrated upon defenceless animals re-act as Karma on the whole human family. It brings war and suffering in its wake.
The arguments advanced in favour of torturing animals in order to save human suffering are spurious, for the human body functions in a manner different from that of the animal. The proper functioning of the pores in the skin is vital for the human-but the dog has no pores.
The stomach of the dog finds no difficulty digesting bone-the human does-sweet almonds hill dogs, humans thrive on them Lemon juice is deadly poison to a cat or rabbit, camphor will kill a canary, pigeons and fowl can take large doses of opium and morphia without the least ill-effect, Hedgehogs can eat enormous quantities of opium and wash it down with prussic acid, ad lib. Sweet almonds will kill foxes and fowl. Parsley will kill parrots, etc. etc.
William Howard Hay, M. D gave an address in Washington D C. June 25th 1937 before the Anti-Vivisection Society-he said, "Aside from the hormble cruelties of vivisection I have not been able to discovor in 30 years of painful and careful research One Thing of practical utility that has been adduced in all this time-our results are exactly Zero-and always will be. I cannot think of one thing of practical utility that has evolved from all our years of crucifixion of half a million dogs a year. I saw these dogs crucified without ANAESTHETICS
Well, so much for our Christian civilisation with its colossal wars and theft of territory.
Now let us examine some of the evidence for and against meat eating. All Herbivorous forms of life have a long intestine usually from twenty-six to thirty feet in length-the human form is in this category All carnivorous forms of life have a short intestine. A lion, for instance, has an intestine about fifteen feet in length.
Long intestines are for the purpose of digesting and eliminating the waste products of vegetables, fruit, nuts and grain food
Herbivorous forms of life Sip their liquids, the Carnivorous Laps ite liquids with the tongue
In the body of herbivorous animals is found an ENZYME, or digestive ferment called PTYALIN, this Enzyme digest starch food and converts it into sugar In the human being PTYALIN is found, principally in the salivathere 18 no PTYALIN in the carnivorous forms.