870 hkreiceala-tiet.
When, oh fhen, will human heings serolt against the pure bloodstream of a body (or eren relatively pure ) being polluted by the medical doctors, Deedle, putting as saccine, the lymph of a diseased call into its body, giving it smallpox on a small scale, in order to support a theory that smallpos on a large scale will be prevented
In ur opinion the credit for smallpos diminution belongs to the Sanitary Engineer and not to vaccine,
Two countries whose Vaccination Latys are rers stringent are Italy and Mexico, e Fould expect to find these two countries more or less immunc from smallpox according to the Medical theory of vaccination, but we actually find that not only is the incidence of smallpox higher than most other countries, but on account of the high mortality rate, the enforcement of saccidation had to be modified.
In my opinion vaccination is one of the principal reasons which brings a large Medical profession into being
Modern Niedicine concerns itself with Disease-Dot Health
About 1937 the FORUM MAGAZINE (D. S. A.) printed some remarks made by PROF. ERNEST A HOOTON of Harvard University; they were spicy and to the point He suggested that " Medical Practice is only a sophisticated estension of the flea hunting habits of monkeys, and observed that perbaps the contemporary doctor is the primitive Medicine Man-gope fossy and mercenary " He continued-" There can be no doubt that the effect of medicine today is to increase enormously the proportion of the physically and mentally unfit in Society.
It is not my purpose to attack the Medical Profession, for they are a body of men and women doing their best to help suffering humanity, within the limits of their understanding, but I attack Evil and Wrong Thought wherever I find it. When Nledical thought realises that it is the Garbage shich attracts flies, and not the flies which attract the garbage, they will give up their incursions into the habits of germ life-tho at best, are unreliablethey can change their sex and habits overnight, and one must descend very los indeed to keep track of them-and confine their thought to Health.
Thinking in terms of disease germs, they become diseased in Thought. Thinking in terms of Health, they could become Health Minded, against which discase gims trould fight in rain
Personally, I thought long and seriously about the choice of Medicine 25 a career and decided against it, jostcad I chose Psychology, Osteopathy, Chiropractice, Saturopathy and Chromo-Therapr. As the sears pass, the doctonic I laid asserted my patients hell and medical doctors tho became patients of misc tell me they wish their choice had been as wist.