and te use the Energy, as an entity, as body heat, muscle and tissue energy and ibus under the control of the Will our body, moves and works.
After the cells build up energy and the body as a whole uses it-it must then be discharged, from the body. If obstruction is present in the body to great extent and the energy cannot properly be discharged then-some organ, because of operlond will break down-and wc die. So, the same energy that Leeps us alive will kill us, when it runs wild, because of Obstruction,
Our physical body is made fron the food we eat, if the food 18 wrong food our bodies will not be normal, if our body be not normal then our thought, even if right thought, will pot function normally in an abnormal body, in which case obstruction takes place, energy is thrown back op itself and obstruction-or Karma-tbwarts progress.
Using Dr. Bergholz words again " Foods that are alive bave potencies of their own; Foods that are dead ( cooked) must first be given Potency (by our body itself) before they are of any use at all."
Sa, cooked foods, before they can be metabolised, require from the body itself, the missing electrical properties-this is not only Obstructive but the opposite of Vitality Conservation.
Whatever else filesh eating may be, it is incontravertible, that it is the most prolific source of Obstruction of which we know, when taken into the body of an herbivorous animal, of which man 19 one
This applies equally in the case of eating animal food, as well as having animal vaccines or serum injected into hunan blood or tissue.
The Medical school of thought, whose blood lust 18 well known, with its mania for dealing with the effects of disease, and its avidity in extirpating appendages, when confronted with causes it does not understand, uses animal products in the beastly form of vaccination, on all and sundry upon wbich it can lay its hands, and thus sets the stage for much future human
This profession must be restrained in many ways, but the first restraint toust be in compelling them to keep their blood thirsty hands off animal life,
The World famous Psychologist "Jung " suggests that the Surgeon of today was a Butcher in his last incarnation," my own experience supports
this view.
Whenever, or wherever animal life 18 sacrificed on the plea that its flesh, of the Pus from its diseased lymph, will help human beings I not only regard it as Buspect, but detect an odour in my nostrils, of the lower regions of Hell