भ० महावीर स्मृति - प्रथ
GENERAL SIR ROBERT MCGARRISON, a famous British food authority, Whole cereal grains, milk, milk products, eggs and fresh vegetables, when eaten in adequate quantities, will maintain the structural integrity and functional efficiency of the human body."
A common mistake anyway is to suppose that energy comes from the food we eat, it does nothing of the kind. The unit of the body is the cell, and the cell structure 18 built from the food we take into the body. However, the cell cannot manifest its function except for electrical energy...
The cells in our body are travelling through space at hundreds of miles per second, on the same curve the Earth is travelling, therefore the cells are cutting magnetic lines of force; this brings about within the cell the formation of an Electro-Magnetic Potential that Forces the cell to build up a charge, thus the life process gets its Primary Energy from Space and-from no other source.
Doctor Eugene A Bergholz (U. S A) who is an authority on the "Electrical Conception of Living Matter" and writes extensively on the subject, is an MD and it is to be hoped he will succeed in educating his profession so that they will abandon the Mechanical Philosophy in favour of the Vital Philosophy.
Dr. Bergholz demonstrates part of the Vital conception of life thus, Any plant, fruit or vegetable, has two different tissues, one charged with positive, the other negative, energy. Take a raw apple for instance, the core 18 negatively charged, the flesh positive. There is a definite difference in Potential-further, the apple is definitely alive An apple actually
breathes ",
CL In going through space it gathers up Energy, builds it up and emanates it again The apples use Oxygen and throw off Carbon-dioxide "
The finest proof that energy comes from Space and not from Food is demonstrated by any fruit, when it 18 connected in the circuit of a very delicate Galvanometer. It causes a deflection in the Reading If an apple is kept in the circuit, the reading gradually dies down-in other words-the Energy 18 being drained out of the apple."
'Let the apple stand awhile and then re-insert it in the circuit,-again the apple deflects the needle 1" This proves that the apple has Re-generated this energy Where did it come from? Nothing was added or subtractedexcept-the energy that comes from Space,
Our food then becomes the cells themselves; "the cells because they are in a magnetic field (space) and moving rapidly are analogous to the rapidly rotating wires within a Generator producing a movement of charge or a current
When we collect these charges from the wires we harness the Generator