states that beef in excess 18 from two to six times as barmful as cheese in the same excess proportion, gauged by the effects upon the kidneys
(ANITSCHKOW of RUSSIA ) proves that CHOLESTEROL is the food material which produces ARTERIOSCLEROSIS-this chemical constituent is present-exclusively-ın fats of animal origin and in animal tissues.
(PROF. E. V. McCOLLUM of JOHN'S HOPKINS HOSPITAL) he is America's outstanding food scientist, says, "Meats are not necessary in the diet and with proper knowledge of other food values we could eliminate milk and eggs too."
* These men to mention only a few have devoted their lives in studying food values and their findings cannot lightly be dismissed.
At the end of this writing I shall mention the deeper significance attached to meat-eating and world chaos arising from it, but for the moment we will discuss personal suffering to the individual arising out of meat-eating.
The minerals in our food determine its acid or alkaline reaction. Minerals ia vegetables and fruits too, can cause an excess of acidity or alkalinity, when the body, after digestion, forms salts from them, 80, it is necessary to know, even with right foods, the combinations best suited to the body's normal requirement.
The blood chemistry for normal working should be about 75% Alkaline base and 25% Acid base, if this balance becomes too much off centre, death will result
Another point to remember 19, even if the diet is completely acid forming, the body can still function-providing the acid base is not increased.
The minerals that form Alkaline salts, normally neutralise the acids, 80 that even though grain foods such as bread, biscuits and 80 on are acid form10g-fruits, vegetables and certain kinds of outs, being alkaline-neutralise them,
· Meat, fish, fowl, eggs and cheese, however, are highly acid and when they are burned in the body they affect the acid base with their end products of-Uric Acid, Sulphuric Acid and Phosphoric Acids These acids play an important role in such diseases as APOPLEXY and CORONARY HEART DISEASE
Meat-eatiog therefore, because of its high protein and acıd asb, cannot be effectively neutralised by the alkaline salts.
The argument 18 sometimes used that the absence of meat from the diet would impair human energy output, this argument is proved entirely fallacious by the world's famous food authorities, I will quote the most conservatide confirmation of this I have thus far read-the words are those of MAJOR