भ० महावीर स्मृति प्रध
Diagnosis is a name given to symptoms, or the manifested effects of dis. ease ; the Daming of the symptoms 15 Fithout Falue unless at the same timc it accurately exposes the cause and prescribes the remedy.
Whaterer the toxic material is, in the body, it is the end product of the food we eat and drink, plus the Thought, which gives rise to the appetite for such food.
There are many arenues of approach dealing with the Effects of disease but in this short discussion I can deal with, principally, only one of them, Dameig Flesh Eating and even with this subject I cannot in this siting go into great length.
Althougb this is a platitude, I feel I must mention it, i e. "If we do Dot manage Purselces, Others will manage Us." Te are serer punished for our síns, but by them!
All life forens hase a right to protection-eren animal life forms, and unless this thought is erer before us-rye cannot think straight.
HIPPOCRATES, the Father of Iledicine, who Lnes and preached the rightness of regetable kingdom food, said, "Let your food be your only medicine, and let your only medicine be food." Present day medical doctors take his Oath, but that is about all they do take from him, they certainly do not take his adrice; if they did, their inflgence pould be incalculable in helping suffering humanity back to sanity.
Eating food is one thing, getting rid of its waste products is another; if great Tear and tear is caused thereby, the physical body is made to suficr; bow great this suffering is, only the doctor knows-and the Patient,
Flesh-eating causes more body wear and tear than any other single thing I kron; in the cooking of flesh foods all its life giring minerals are killed, except the nitrogenous elements and the acids, and these are ingredients for slos suicide
Flesh foods when cooked contain an excess of nitrogen orer the human body's needs as well as sulphur and phosphorus ash in great excess. This results, quite often, in the urine baring one hundred times as much acid as would be the case with a balanced diet.
Although a lot of regetables and fruit be eaten with the meat, these are quite unable to neutralise the meat acid ash.
In my own practice I have found that meat eaters have a much higher „blood pressure than regetarians and kidneys arc below par.
(NETBURCH ) of the University of Michigan states "Prolonged heavy meat dict produces hardening of the Artecics and Bright's Disease," he also