म. महावीर स्मृति-पंथ।
Forced breeding, eren artificial breeding, with its attendant cruelties, have girea to animal life a Right to entor the Human family in greater proportion to the 5%, Man's cruelts lowers him nearer to the animal and animal suffering raises him aboie bus station, and the tsain mect on a common level, which is actually lower than normal human standards
Because the Animal entry into the human kingdom has been forced by humans—the present proportion of animals in the human family is 30%; 25% above the human safety margin
This lower element is rapidly pulling the mighty from their seats and usurping the power that goes with it
The Picture Meat Eaters should hold in mind when cating meat is the Murder of the Animal-for Murder it is and then they will see that their own loved ones, kull in Tar is an exact retribution for their otra conduct, and the fear in their own lives is ideatical with the fear the animal experiences when it is brutally murdered they should also realise that gangsters and other criminals act as they do because the percentage of animals in human form is being encouraged by themseloes Lastly, they must not complain because the World is living in Chaos for the themseltes have brought it on themselves.
This is the conclusion - I could have made the story much more dramatic and forceful, but I have restrained myself; however I shall remember April 21st, 1948, and my contact with Truth:
" Ahima–Non-injury is the highest Religion”