भ० महावीर स्मृति ग्रंथ |
Why must we fight every body who does not agree with us? Why must we kill and kill and kill? Why should mankind go insane with lust and bate and revenge and more and more killing? Did it ever solve anything? Has any war on earth ever done anybody any GOOD NO 1 He who lives by the sword dies by it!
No one on earth is important until He asks the Divine way of Life, until he is governed by desire for peace for the whole of humanity-until he LIVES for the WHOLE, for what is good for the whole is good for the individual. If you want peace and joy, happiness and comfort, then ask for it for all of Life everywhere, want it for everyone on earth, for your so-called enemy and friend alike-for LIFE is everywhere! What is power and money-position and influence, UNLESS it is used for the good of all? It makes man drunk and destroys him and if power and influence áre not used for the good of all, it destroys him who seeks it. We bring nothing here, we take nothing away and gratitude for what Life provides, would give us all plenty Try it and see.
I AM the peace that passeth understanding, I AM the Resurrection and the LIFE of the Peace that all crave, I AM the word that releases mankind from discord and want! I AM the Treasure House of the universe. Call into ME and I SHALL answer you. Prove me now herewith, if I SHALL NOT OPEN the windows of Heaven and pour out such treasure that there is not room to receive it. Life is no respector of persons-Life cares not who uses it-God is not stingy nor is He hard of hearing But mankind must learn kindness to all Life, must want PEACE for all Life, must try and learn what Is the Divine Plan for each Life Stream, if they are to survive on this earth for we are passing into the Golden Crystal Age on this earth and the LIGHT IS COMING into earth, and he who cannot stand the LIGHT must be removed to another school house until he learn the way of PEACE and LOVE and Courage and Joy. The time is past when mankind can live hating one another. We are all part of the ONE WHOLE-we must learn to live for the WHOLE and then the PART will be at PEACE!
Remember the teaching of Mahavira, the great apostle of Ahimsa and let the non-violence prevail :
"Towards your fellow-creatures be not hostile. All beings hate pains, therefore one should not kill them. 73