into our lives? How many of us even try to figure out what we should do, to attain them? It is not enough to just try to be good, to go thru our everyday life doing things in the outer world thru a sense of duty-getting up in the morning, eating, drinking, going about our daily activity and going to sleep at night, every day, the same routine, without advancing our inner peace or understanding. How many LIFE TIMES have we gone true like that? If each one of us would take time out to just think thru or even question what we are here for, where we came from, where we are going and how to get there, and REALLY WANTED TO KNOW these things! That would be a beginning.
Instead of envying others the blessing we see them having, gratitude to LIFE would open the door for us to have like blessings for life cares not who uses it, nor how much we use The Law of the Circle, the Law of the KARMA, would bring back to us the blessings untold, that we could and Animal, vegetable, should send out to life in every form on the earth mineral, plant, mankind, the life in all is GOD-Lafe Blessing it all the time not once in while, but blessing all life everywhere, all the time, would open the doors to such blessings to come back us as we could scarce imagine. You don't believe that? Have you ever TRIED it out? I have and I know that my gratitude and blessing to life bring me such joy, and happiness and success and such inner peace as I never used to have.
The people of the world, all the people everywhere, are losing the fine things of life thru lack of gratitude and appreciation to life Fighting, killing soaking the ground with blood of mankind, killing animals, being so vicious and unkind to each other, can these things bring us anything but trials, suffering, lack, disease and their kind? It is not possible | Everywhere there 18 known the Law of the Circle-that what we sow comes back to us ever yet got flowers from planting onions, or grapes from thistles one ever will 1
No one
The seed brings forth after its own kind and no one can change that Law. So if the world is reaping a harvest of lack, hatred, killing, wars, desease, famine, ills, distress and discord, it would be well to look back to what we have planted! Have we bound up the wounds of hate, have we loved as we Have we have been taught by all the great teachers who ever came forth? tried to understand our purpose in living down here on this planet? Have we tried to bring forth the Harmony of Life Have we loved and blessed? Have we tried the great solvent of all human ills, just LOVE to all life everywhere? The answer is apparent in what is happening in the world todaychaos, confusion worse confounded.
Haven't we had enough wars-haven't we had enough hate? Haven't we had enough confusion? Isn't it time mankind tried to learn How to live?