war. Mankind has still not realised the futility of conquest by force and fails to sec the greater possibilities of Victory in Universal Love and nonviolence. Man has strayed away from God and Sanity. God is left out of the councils of men and Love is locked out of the world's bedchamber.
The Jet says " whatever you do not wish your neighbour to do unto you do not unto him." The Arab says "Let aone of you tread a brother in a Tray he himself would dislike to be treated " Although their ideologies differ they both possess the universal soul and yet in Palestine they screep their Torahs and their Korans and slaughter, crying aloud against their neighbours
"Peace on Earth, Goodwill unto all men” says the Christian world and yet since first the words were uttered Christian has fought Christian and not been averse to invoking the aid of the almighty for his side !
All Religions have that one wonderous Golden Universal Rule so admirably expressed in Hinduism.
" The True Rule is to do by the things of others as you do by your own."
Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Taoism, and the babai Cause say the same, wording it differently and for all that we still git
Ur armour on and go out and slaughter our brothers, his children and take veto ourselves his women and leave them raped among the pubble that was once his civilisation . and when we return we find he has done likewise to our possessions and hatred is the more engendered in our blind fury we forget that Hatred cannot kill Hatred only Love can and all through the centuries, Ever since Time began love has waited and still waits
Man is still afraid to take the risk of Love and Non-Violence working dhe miracle be bas so long striven by force of arms to gain a world of NonPiolence, Universal Love and Peace.
He must forget that he 19 Indian, British, Chinese, American, Russian, Pole or French, Spanish, Greek, Egyptian, Syrian, Arab or Jew. He must be list and foremost International He must break dowa the Barrier of Language and then he must tear down the veil of ignorance These two things Leep Universal Love and Non-violence from creating the wonderous glorious Golden World of Peace we seek.
Mabatma Gandhi achieved more by his belief and practice of Universal Love and Non-Violence than America did with her two atom bombs upon Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Until such time as Universal Love and Non-Violence becomes the Policy I the Nations Hatred will still feed Hatred and Life and its procreation will * useless negation the Nature did not give us life that the
gut destroy it and as gave 80 will it take away unless we hurable ourselves and remember that Victories are never won in Strife-the only lasting victories are won in Love...,