भ० महावीर स्मृति - प्रथ
Greater Love hath no man than that he lay down his life for a friend" but that is said the world over. Friend and Foe are ordered to kill or be killed and then when it is all over man weeps because he has killed He cries out that he will never again slay or slaughter but forgets his high Ideal. His Universal Love and appreciation of Non-Violence came often to him in the head of Battle when strife ripped off his callous human flesh and laid leave his Universal Soul Yes, Man knows he has Universal Love to try...Man knows he can win greater battles by Non-Violence Slowly he is learning and soon the Nations, leaders will not be able to go to war because they alone will be the only fighters.
Man is growing tired of procreating that Cannon Fodder enrich the fields of the world and he has seen the children of his enemies and his women and has loved them both-proving the universality of love and these he could not hurt.
When he has grown to know and understand his enemy he has felt a kinship with him and so slowly and surely the unified action of Friend and Foe desiring not to hurt will create an international body of Non-Violence that will bring to a halt the violence of a world gone mad...God will return unto men and Sanity will reign.
We must lift high the banner, we must unite through all the lands, lest the forces of evil undermine our foundations
The world needs universal love and mankind wants to try out NonViolence The need of them is vital for humanity's sake.
The United Nations should make the teachings of Universal love and Non-Violence compulsory in all countries of the world..
Hitler said that in Youth was his perpetual source of strength and supply and what a cancerous monster he created.
The United Nations can make a universal world of Love and Non-V10lence by teaching the world's Youth Universal Love, and Non Violence. We must not fail .we shall not fail God is with us and Non-Violence prevail. Mahavira's teaching of Universal Love will shine and reign, which emphatically proclaims
"Fight with your Self, Why fight with external foes? He who conquers himself, will obtain happiness" "
Heroes (of faith) who desist (from sins) and exert themselves aright, who subdue wrath, fear, etc., will never kill living beings. Thy desist from sins and are entirely happy."