unisest lore should redouble ticir cfforts in spreading love about them in the spiritual, mental and phssical world so that others will feel st, see it and start to it. The poorest m in connot fail to be affected by it, be it only for a moment and the clicct soll gather strength cach time he comes in contact with it. Secondly, le sal (cam is a long process of trial and error. We all fare individual crpcricncns through which ye may Icarn what is essential to our jodu ilusi growth and at tlic same time we talc part in group experiences To the same purpose The world has not yet learned in spite of thousands of wars that war brings nonds ancement but only retards progress in every * Similarly, an individual sail face endless variations of opc and the sme crpcrience until he has learned his particular lesson A man will go Tough many crpcriences of unhappy lord, for instance, until he finally cams that schlish love an nascr bring happiness and realising this, he may
en carn to lose a fictson unselfishis. Having loved the one unselfishly he Fil! {cam gradually to losc all as 081C-as a whole.
Fers indi iduals are able to licnefit from the physical experiences and "el continue repeating the same crrors such as, to give a common enough Sample, maltreating their bodies though they know that they will suffer as a Tésult Feret still are those who nre able to analyse their life experiences more deeply in order to see what can be learned from them There are people who continually suffer material losses and never realise that this con-, altida $ 3! repeat itself until they have lost the desire for material posses
00$ and cease to bhilicie that happiness can be found in them. The con stänt suffering from loss will eventually teach them to seek their happiness Du something more lastig. Those who fcar will be faced with whatever cuses their fears until they learn to overcome fear The proud will be dash. sa to the ground many limes before they learn the meaning of humility. Man Creates with his thoughts and still he does not rcalise that conditions repeat emselves even as his thoughts circle always within the same narrow limits.
are apare of this repetition but repetition there must be until lessons are learned by heart-until man can practise aniversal love which conquers all things-until soon finds his own Self once again and knows I to hurt others is to hurt oneself siace all is contased withia the Self.
This being the purpose of life, the process is slow and painful in the sekinging but gathers momentum 23 man begias to approach a knowledge of spirit, Every beint which finde its way back to Being makes the path more Easy for those who have to follow. It 18 by individual effort only through that peace will be reached, a peace in which men may develop and grow together
Darmony. When cnough individuals bave overcome ther own selfish sites, fears and hatred, wars will not be necessary as foachers and will not
to manifest because there will not be enough material upon which
be able to manifesto
they can feed and exist