भ० महावीर-स्मृति ग्रंथ।
वस्तुओंकी इच्छाको इनसे सुख होता, माननेकी ब्रान्तिको नहीं छोड़ेंगे तबतक उनको वैसी हानिया उठानाही पडेगी । विनयका महत्व सीखने के पहले घमंडीका सिर कई वार नीचा होता ही है। मानव अपने विचारोंसे सृष्टि रचता है, किन्तु फिरभी वह यह अनुभव नहीं करता बल्कि अपने सीमित विचारों के अनुकूलही परिस्थितियों को बनाता रहता है । जबतक मानव सर्व विजयी विश्व 4मका व्यवहार नहीं करता-जबतक मानव अपनी आत्माको नहीं पहिचानता और जबतक वह यह नहीं जानता कि दूसरेको पीडा पहुँचाना स्वयं अपनेको पीडित करता है, क्यों कि समी प्राणियोंमें एक समान मात्मा है, तबतक वह परिस्थिती की प्रान्तिसे निकल नहीं सकता है। अतः जीयनका ध्येय विश्व-प्रेमही है । अलबत्ता उसकी प्राप्ति धीरेधीरे होती हैं और प्रारम्भमें वह कष्ट साध्यही मासता है। किन्तु आध्यात्म अभिनान जानतेही मानवको उन्में रस आता है। ऐसे प्रेम पूर्ण वैयक्तिक प्रयत्नाद्वारा ही शान्ति स्थापित हो सकेगी; यह गान्तिकि जिसमें मनुष्य पारस्सरिक सौहादसे रह सकेंगे और उन्नति कर सकेंगे। जव पर्याप्त व्यक्रिया अपनी स्वार्थ पूर्ण इच्छाओं, भयों और देषों पर काबू पा लेंगे तब न तो युद्ध हो सकेंगे और न उनको मावश्यकता शेष रहेगी। कुमारी मैकडोवलकी यह उच्च भावना सफलीभूत हो, यह कामना है। -सं०]
Three years ago at the end of the war, I came to Germany with great hopes of helping to build up spiritual beliefs which would lift the world out of the material depths in which it has floundering I hoped to meet many other persons who believed as I did that Germany as it was at the end of the war provided an excellent opportunity to introduce a new way of living effectively.
Action, whether instinctive or resulting from thought, always produces effects, Thoughts also produce effects eren if not immediately resultiog in action. Both thoughts and actions are causes and their effects are meritable Whether they are immediately obvious or not. As like attracts like, so violence attracts violence and hate attracts hate, and when fars are carried out with violence, hatred and cruelty, they will only engender violence, hatred and cruelty. The recent Tar has left much misery which causes people to bate one another and this bate will gather and grow until it finds its outlet once more in another war Hateful thoughts and actions will bear their fruits for this world is a marvel of late and order and each thought or action brings a just rebound according to its nature There is one factor only which can break this vicious circle and that is love, if it be pure and unselfish Just as in a bouschold where no love exists onc meets with discord, unhappiness and trouble, so the opposite is true and in a house There truc love exists one finds harmony, happiness and peace It would seem that if enough human beings could love unselfishly the state of war could not esist. This 15 50 very obvious and is worth striving to attain, but there are many who belicve it to be impossible and who wonder shat is going to teach the human being how to love universally.
There are sereral ways in which he will learn and 15 leaming, though vers painfully and slowly. Firstly, persons who are aware of the power of