arred his dog vehicle. Other noteworthy fcatures are the long moustache and the pair of sandals
A third Dimmbar image of Ksctrapāla is obtained from Gandhawal in the Gwalior State. Here the deity is standing in tribhanga with his dog cmerging from behind his legs Fove snake-hoods over the head of the deity emphasiąc his association with snakes familiar to the Jain texts referred to above In his right hands, the Keetrapāla here carries the club and the damaru while the left upper one probably carried the snake. The left lower hand is mutilated."
A more beautiful sculpture of the Ksetrapāla is, however, preserved on a Dillar no. 2 in front of temple no 1 at Deogarh fort. Here he sits in the Talita posc and carrics the chain and the mace in his right upper and lower hands respectively while holding a three-hooded snake and the fruit in the corresponding left oncs. The dog vchiclc is seen near his right leg. It is the carlıcst representation of a Digambara Ksetrapāla hitherto discovered and is fortunately well-preserved "?
Of the Svetämbara specimens one may be aoted here The PārsvaNätha templc in Jodhpur, Marwar, has a sculpture of a Ksetrapāla enshrined in one of its niches The deity here carries the damaru and the shield in the right and the left upper hands The right lower holds the sword while the left lower sbows the water-pot. The dog is his vābaze
The above account of Ksetrapāla shows that the Jains associate him with the Bhairavas and Yoginis both of which conceptions are foreign to Jainism. The Acāradınakara prescribes the same pratospha-oidh (consecration site ) for Ksetrspāla, Batukanátha, Kapılanātha, Hanūmān, Narasimha and such other deities, who are Viras or deities of a town or a country."
The Digambara text Ablitseka-krana of unknown authorship gives the following five names of Ksetrapalas : Vijayabhadra, Virabhadra, Manibhadra, Bhairava and Aparājuta " These as yell as the other names cited
11. B. C Bhattacharya, Farn Iconography, plate XI
12. A photograph of this figure is being published in my paper on Jalna art and Antiquities : North in the new edition of the Cultural Heritage of India.
13. 79E- -FATEEFFER Foliealinguadagnarat 16 ga ofarerविधिः किंतु गृहक्षेत्रपालस्य रहे कपिलगौरकृष्णादोनों प्रसादे वटुकनाथस्य श्मशाने हनुमतः पुरसरिसरे नारसिंहादानां पुरपूजिताना देशपूजितानो नागादीना गंगा(1) प्रमृतीनां तसस्थानेषु प्रतिधार्थ मन्त्राथ प्रतदानायतो ज्ञयाः।
Acāradinakara II, page 210. 14. Bent BRPET faaaaaa-ajottaA9–89 (Tìta-onanymore spi गृण्हा गृण्डा स्वाहा।
Abhiseka-pătha-samgraha, pp. 280-81. ology