म० महावीर-स्मृति-ग्रंथ।
the Pratisthāgaroddhāra ( Pandit Asādhara 16, and the Pratisthātılaka '(Nemicandra)," who say that the Ksetrapāla carries the sword and the shield in his two upper hands while the club and the dog are held in the lower ones It may be noted that the Pratisthätilaka assigns to him the south-eastera quarter.
Another Digambara form 18 supplied by the Jainendrayajñavidhi:19 Darkblue in complextion and naked, Ksetrapāla wears snake ornaments and bas three eyes. In his four hands he carries the golden bowl, the sword the club and the damaru.
A stone sculpture in the Chandranātha temple at Müdabıdr in the South agrees with this tradition inasmuch as the detty carries the damaru and the sword in the right upper and lower hands respectively, while showing the club and the bowl in the corresponding lower ones. Ksetrapāla here stands on a lotus and wears various ornaments On the pedestal is carved a figure of his dog vehicle ( fig. 1).
A metal image of a Ksetrapāla from the Digambara temple of Neminātha at Kärkal is interesting ( fig 2) Here the deity is represented terrific in appearance and carries a dagger on his girdle. In bis two right hands are seen the damaru and the noose symbols while, the right 'upper hand probably carried the club, its upper portion being mutilated. The symbol of the right tower hand is indistinct. A snake-hood rising over his right shoulder as well as the third eye may be noted. On the pedestal is
8. दृप्यनूर्ध्वभुजा धृतासिफलकः सव्येन राहासितं ।
स्वान सिंहसमे करेण भयदामन्येन विभद्दाम् । नागालंकरणः किलाशु मस्काराबोलणाधिक सेखतधरमत्रयोत्स्यधिकृतः क्षेत्रे स साक्षादयम् ।। ५५॥
Pratışthäsāroddhāra, page 135. The printed text of this work 16 Tey corrupt and a scientifically edited text is a long felt aced
ऊर्ध्वस्तेन करद्वयेन फलक सह कराभ्यामघो
वतिभ्यामुक्सारमेयमसित स्फूर्जदगदा विभ्रतम् । प्रत्यूहक्षपणक्षम समवितक्षेत्रव्रज क्षेत्र तैलायेन शताभिषिच्य विदधे सिन्दूरकै—सरम् ।।
____Pratisthatalaka, pages 115-16. प्राप्ताभ्याविधिर्जटामुकुटवानीलाञ्जनामः सदा
हैमं पात्रमसिं गदां च उमई बिनवतुभिः करैः। - नग्नो नागविभूषणत्रिनयनः श्रीजैनपूजाचितः
सिन्दूराषितमौलिरिष्ठफलदा में क्रियारक्षेत्रपः। Oriental Mr. Library, Madrar, Catalogue XVI. Ms. no. 8755.