म० महावीर-स्मृति-प्रथ।
by Acãradipakara show how closely the form as well as the worship of the Jain Kșetrapāla are associated with Hindu deities like the Bhairayas and Yoginis, Nāgas like the Sesa and others, and Yaksas like Alănibhadra Of these the form of the Ksetrapäla especially corresponds with the Hindu conception of the Bhairavas, notably the Batuka-Bhairava." The worship of Ksetrapāla is, as suggested above, presumably of primitive origin. But the iconography of the Jain Ksetrapāla is based upon the Saivite Ksetrapăla and Bhairava 15
Worship of the Kşetrapāla in Jainism was popular and pretty old as can be seen by the fact that Jinaprabha-sūri notes the existence or images of Ksetrapāla, worshipped by the Jains, at Mathurā, Valabhi: Phalodhi and Stīpura along with those of Ambikā, Padmavati and Dharañendra."
15. The dhyāna for Vataka or Baţika Bhairava is
विकीर्णोहितजटं त्रिनेत्र रकविग्रहम् । शूलं कपालं पाशं च हम दधत करे। नानारूपैः पिशाचंच नानारूपमतम् । श्वानालई च निर्वाण वटुकं भैरवं भजे ॥
Vatuka-Bhairaca-kalpa, quoted Gopinath Rao, Hindu Iconography, II, 2 appendix, pag Also sec Rūpamandana quoted op-cit p 92 16. For the "Saivite deity Kšetrapala, ” by Chintābarana Chakravarti, see, Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. IX, pp 237-243 Also, Gopinath Rao, Elemeats of Hindu Iconography, Vol. II, part 2, pp 495 of Apostamba-grkya. sütre, 7.19 13 and 7.29 12-19 prescribe offerings to Ksetrapati where he is to be infolcà like IŠāna or Siva.
17. Vividha-Tīrtha-Kalpa, ed. by Muai Jioavijaya, pp. 19, 29, 103, 106. Also sec, Supāsadzba-caria, p. 152. Sraddhapratikramana-sútraytti, gātbä 47.