of the new moon day of the same lunar month. Bat the Kalpa-sutra, which as need hardly be said, is the oldest of all the aforecited authorities, and therefore might well be looked upon as more authentic as well as more authoritative than the others, is explicit in its statement that the event occurred at most the end of the night of that new moon day, which is further emphasized as the last night of that fortnight, as it exactly was, towards the dawn of the next day. That newmoon day corresponds to Monday the 13th of September 527 B. C., and Mahavira passed away at the end of the night of that day, or to be quite faithful to the text, at the day break of the next day which was Tuesday the 14th of September 527 B. C Further from our calculations it appears that on that newmoon day the moon was in conjunction with the asterism Svāti from a little after the sunset, and that phenomenon was current when Mahavira attained Nirvana and continued for several hours thereafter, whereas throughout the night of the previous day i.e the 14th day of that dark fortnight Sunday the 12th of September 527 B. C, the moon was in conjuntion not with Svati but with its anterior constellation Citra. Accordingly his Nirvana may well be assigned to the last watch of the night of Monday the 13th of September 527 B. C., or to the daybreak of Tuesday the 14th of September 527 B. C
The time of the birth of Mahavira is thus recounted in the Kalpa-sutra
तेणं कालेण तेणं समपुणं महावीरे के से निहाण पढमे मासे दुच्चे पहले चित्त सुखे तरसण चित्त सुद्धस्स तेरसी दिवसेणपुब्वरतावर काल समयसि हन्युत्तराहिं नक्खत्तेण......... अरुमा दारय पयाया ।
i. e. In the 2nd fortnight of the 1st month of summer,ts on the 13th day of the bright fortnight of the month Caitra, in the middle of the night, while the moon was in conjunction with the asterism called Hastöttară ì. e. the constellation Uttara-Phalguni, the 12th lunar mansion, (the mother of Mahavira) gave birth to a healthy boy child i. e. Mahavira.
The date details of the same event are mentioned as follows in the Nir vāna-bhakti
चैत्र सित पक्ष फाल्गुनि शशांक योगे दिने त्रयोदश्याम् | a catvardy nèg siày guaù (1 € 11
i. e. on the 13th day of the bright fort-night of the month Caitra, while the moon was in conjunction with the constellation (Uttara~) Phālgunī, Mahavira was born; as well as in the Uttara Purana ( canto 74)
13. Of the (3 seasons into which the year was divided (fn 12), the summer lasted from the 1st day of the dark fortnight the purnimanta month Caitra (=of the amanta month Phalguna to the fullmoon day of Asidba; and the 2nd fortnight of its 1st month lasted from the 1st day of both the purnimanta And the amants Caitra to its fullmoon day.